About The Harry Johnson Trust
Harry had recently had his seventh birthday when he began to feel unwell. He didn’t seem particularly poorly, but complained of tummy ache and he looked tired and pale. Harry was still running about and playing with his friends at school, but after a few days a trip to the GP saw the sudden and immediate start of nine months of continuous stays in hospital, endless rounds of chemo, numerous surgeries, dozens of blood and platelet transfusions, and enormous courage.
Harry was full of fun, adventure, laughter and love. His Mum Sally stayed by Harry’s side throughout, and it was during this time that the idea for a local children’s cancer charity first came to mind. Whatever the outcome, Sally and Harry’s Dad Stephen wanted to do something to help other children and teenagers who were cared for by the children’s oncology team in Telford.
When Harry died in July 2014, the donations made by family and friends at Harry’s funeral allowed his family to establish The Harry Johnson Trust.
Sally, Stephen and Harry’s brother Eric (who was also Harry’s best friend) began by using a little bit of their own experience of having a child with cancer to offer support to others, and the charity has grown ever since. Although we are only small, the trust aims to provide whatever individual children or teenagers need to make things just a little bit easier for them during treatment.
We work very closely with the hospital ward to make sure the right young person gets the right help at the right time.
The Harry Johnson Trust is run by volunteers – 100% of money rasied goes to fund our projects.

Our logo is called Sooper Frog, and is from a drawing Harry did not long before he died. Harry loved all things superhero, and so his very own design, which represents all the superhero children we support, was an obvious choice of character for us to use. In fact, the original drawing found us! Not long after Harry died, Harry’s Mum was tidying up and the picture was smiling up from a collection of Harrys things, and so it was meant to be.
Where does my money go?
Harry’s Hampers
The hampers contain a few bits and pieces that the family might find useful in the first few days in hospital, things that in the rush and worry might have been left at home or not thought about. Items to be included in the hamper are: a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, a flannel, a bottle of water, biscuits and a notebook and pencils/pens.
Harry’s Hugs
We arrange and pay for a patchwork quilt or memory bear to be made from the favourite clothes of a child if they sadly pass away from cancer, something their loved ones can hug and remember.
Harry’s Holidays
When children are having a particularly difficult time during treatment or they are given a terminal diagnosis, we would like to offer local families the opportunity to spend time together away from the family home.
Family Fun
We provide vouchers for local restaurants and places to visit so children can spend time with those they love. We also give children a gift voucher for a local toy shop so they can buy a toy to pass the time in hospital. Treats like this often stop due to the financial pressures families often face if one parent stops work to care for the poorly child.
Perfect Pillows
When a child begins to lose their hair from chemo we will give them a soft fleece pillowcase or blanket, which feels much softer on a delicate bare head than normal pillowcases.
We have some lovely volunteers
who kindly make these for us.
Supershoes UK
We pay for children to have a pair of Supershoes if they would like some, and have linked with this UK charity to make sure this happens!
Find out more at
Mini Projects…
We give each family with a child on treatment a gift card for the cafe in the hospital so that they can buy snacks and refreshments.
We buy books, games, toys and equipment for the children’s oncology ward in Telford.
We support children whenever and however possible, and so we grant ‘wishes’ as requested by staff at The Princess Royal Hospital for individual children when we can.
Beads of Courage
We fund the Beads of Courage programme at The Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.
Learn more about the beads here
Where do I send my money to?
You can donate directly to The Harry Johnson Trust at
Donations can also be made via cheque or cash.
Please send your donations to us, payable to The Harry Johnson Trust, to:
The Harry Johnson Trust
Lower Farm
Thank you to everyone who has made a donation, fundraised or
provided help for our projects.
Your support and generosity are very much appreciated.
Thank you.